GK in English top 80 important questions
महान पुरुसो की समाधी स्थल
1. राजघाट – महात्मा गांधी
2. शान्तिवन – जवाहर लाल नेहरू
3. विजयघाट – लाल बहादुरशास्त्री
4. शक्ति स्थल – इंदिरा गांधी
5. अभय घाट – मोरारजी देसाई
6. किसान घाट – चौधरी चरणसिंह
7. उदय भूमि – के0 आर0 नारायण
8. वीर भूमि – राजीव गांधी
9. महाप्रयाण घाट – डॉ0राजेन्द्र सिंह
10. नारायण घाट –गुलजारी लाल नंदा
11. समता स्थल – जगजीवन राम
12. चैत्रा भूमि – बी0 आर0अम्बेडकर
13. एकता स्थल – ज्ञानी जैलसिंह
14. कर्म भूमि – शंकर दयाल शर्मा
3. Who launches National Mission on Libraries ?
Answer: Pranab Mukherjee
4. Who won the DSC prize 2014 ?
Answer: Cyrus Mistry
5. 38th circus festival was celebrated at ?
answer: Monte-Carlo
6. Who is the new CEO of Microsoft ?
answer: Satya Nadella
7. Who is the new chairman of Microsoft ?
answer: John Thompson
8. Who is the German president, recently visited India ?
answer: Joachim Gauck
9. Who become the first women umpire in ICC Panel ?
answer: Kathy Cross
10. Who is the chief guest of republic day parade 2014 of India ?
answer: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
11. Which is the fastest supercomputer in the world ?
answer: Tiahne-2
12. Which is the first Indian state to achieve over 100% sanitation ?
answer: Sikkim
13. Where is The third World Congress on Agro-forestry 2014 held?
Answer: Delhi
14. which country joined Euro zone as its 18th member ?
Answer: Latvia joined as 18th member
15. Which high court banned the transfer of IAS, IPS and IFS officers till the re-composition of the Civil Services Board?
Answer: Allahabad high court
*16. south sudan president name?
Answer : Salva Kiir Mayardit
*17. which space organisation has launched carbon observatory-2 ?
Answer: NASA
*18 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated at which place ?
Answer: Head Post Office in Thyagaraya Nagar , chennai
*19 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated by ?
Answer: P. Chidambaram (Union Finance Minister)
*20 . Who won the women’s double Portugal Open title 2014 ?
Answer: Sania Mirza and Cara Black
*21. who won World Snooker Championship title 2014 ?
Answer: Mark Selby
22. where is the headquarters of o.p.c.w organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons ?
Answer: The Hague, Netherlands
23. Bocskai International Tournament is related to which game?
Answer: boxing
24. What is the birth place of Adolf Hitler
Answer: Austria
25. where is the headquarters of WWF International ?
Answer: Gland, Switzerland
26. what is the national game of Spain?
Answer: bull fighting .
28. India’s NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY DAY----------- 11 May
*29 . What is the full form for ANMI?
Answer : Association of National Exchanges Members of India (ANMI)
*30 . head quarters of international maritime organisation?
Answer : London
*31. Who is the author of devdas?
Answer: Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Answer: Distance
महान पुरुसो की समाधी स्थल
1. राजघाट – महात्मा गांधी
2. शान्तिवन – जवाहर लाल नेहरू
3. विजयघाट – लाल बहादुरशास्त्री
4. शक्ति स्थल – इंदिरा गांधी
5. अभय घाट – मोरारजी देसाई
6. किसान घाट – चौधरी चरणसिंह
7. उदय भूमि – के0 आर0 नारायण
8. वीर भूमि – राजीव गांधी
9. महाप्रयाण घाट – डॉ0राजेन्द्र सिंह
10. नारायण घाट –गुलजारी लाल नंदा
11. समता स्थल – जगजीवन राम
12. चैत्रा भूमि – बी0 आर0अम्बेडकर
13. एकता स्थल – ज्ञानी जैलसिंह
14. कर्म भूमि – शंकर दयाल शर्मा
1. भारत में किस
राज्य के
लोंगों को दोहरी
नागरिकता प्राप्त
उत्तर- जम्मू-कश्मीर
2. मौलिक अधिकार कितने हैं?
उत्तर- 7
3. संविधान
में कितने मूल
कर्तव्यों का उल्लेख
किया गया है?
उत्तर- 11.
4. भारत से कितने
देशों की सरहदें
मिलती हैं?
उत्तर- सात
5. जब चन्द्रमा, सूर्य और
पृथ्वी के बीच
आता है तब
कौनसा ग्रहण लगता
उत्तर- सूर्यग्रहण
6. 180° देशांतर
को कौनसी रेखा
कहते हैं?
उत्तर- अन्तर्राष्ट्रीयतिथि रेखा
7. लीप वर्ष में
कितने दिन होते
उत्तर- 366
8. उत्तरी गोलार्द्ध में सबसे
बड़ा दिन व
सबसे छोटा दिन
कब होता है?
उत्तर- क्रमश: 21 जून व
22 दिसम्बर
9. उत्तरी गोलार्द्ध व
दक्षिणी गोलार्द्ध में दिन-रात कब
बराबर होता है?
उत्तर- क्रमश: 21 मार्च तथा
22 सितम्बर
10. ध्रुवों
पर कितने माह
के दिन व
होते हैं?
उत्तर- 6.6
माह के
1 भगत सिंह को
फांसी की सजा
सुनाने वाला न्यायाधीश
कौन था।
- जी.सी. हिल्टन
2. महात्मा
गांधी के राजनीतिक
गुरु कौन थे।
- गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले
3. किस एक्ट को
बिना अपील, बिना
वकील तथा बिला
दलील का कानून
कहा गया।
- रौलेट एक्ट
4. डंडा फौज का
गठन किसने किया
- चमनदीव (पंजाब)
5. निरंकारी
आंदोलन की शुरूआत
किसने की थी।
- दयालदास
6. सबसे कम उम्र
में फांसी की
सजा पाने वाला
क्रांतीकारी कौन था।
- खुदीराम बोस
7. जलियावाला
बाग हत्याकांड के
विरोध में कैसर-ए-हिंद
की उपाधी लेने
से किसने
मना कर दिया।
- महात्मा गांधी
8. संविधान
के किस अनुच्छेद
के अंतर्गत राष्ट्रपति
को हटाया जा
सकता है।
- 61
9. संघ लोक सेवा
आयोग के अध्यक्ष
एवं सदस्यों की
नियुक्ति कितने वर्षो के
लिए की जाती
- छह वर्ष के
10. भारत की सबसे
बड़ी झील कौनसी
- चिल्का झील (उड़ीसा)
11. नील नदी का
उद्गम स्थल है।
- विक्टोरिया
12. पृथ्वी
पर कुल भू
भाग कितना प्रतिशत
- 29 प्रतिशत
13. अंतरराष्ट्रीय
तिथि रेखा कहते
- 180 देशांतर
14. गदर पार्टी की स्थापना
किसने की थी।
- लाला हरदयाल, काशीराम
15. फॉरवर्ड
ब्लॉक संस्था के
संस्थापक कौन थे।
- सुभाष चंद्र बोस
16. कांग्रेस
का विभाजन कब
व किन दलों
में विभक्त हुई।
- 1907 नरम
दल व गरम
दल (सूरत
17. कांग्रेस
के प्रथम मुस्लिम
अध्यक्ष कौन थे।
- बदरुद्दीन
18. मराठा साम्राज्य के संस्थापक
कौन थे।
- शिवाजी
19. शिवाजी
द्वारा लगाए गए
दो कर कौन
से थे।
- चौथ, सरदेशमुखी
20. लम्पट मूर्ख किसे कहा
जाता था।
- जहांदार शाह को
21. रंगीला
बादशाह किसे कहा
जाता था।
- मुहम्मदशाह
22. ईरान का नेपोलियन
किसे कहा गया।
- नादिरशाह
23. मुगल दरबार में आने
वाला प्रथम अंग्रेज
कौन था।
- कैप्टन हॉकिन्स
24. गुरुमुखी
लिपी का आरंभ
किसने किया।
- गुरु अंगद ने
25. खालसा पंथ की
स्थापना किसने की।
- गुरु गोविन्द सिंह ने
26. फोर्ट विलियम कॉलेज की
स्थापना किसने की।
- लार्ड वेलेजली ने
27. भारत में पहली
बार सार्वजनिक निर्माण
विभाग की स्थापना
किसने की।
- लार्ड डलहौजी ने
28. अजमेर में मेयो
कॉलेज की स्थापना
किसने की।
- लॉर्ड मेयो
29. भारत के उद्धारक
की संज्ञा किसे
दी गई।
- लॉर्ड रिपन
30. शिमला समझौता कब हुआ।
- 1945 ई.
31. स्वतंत्र
भारत के प्रथम
गवर्नर जनरल कौन
- लॉर्ड माउंटबेटन
32. तात्या
टोपे का वास्तविक
नाम क्या था।
- रामचन्द्र
33. इंग्लैंड
में भारतीय सुधार
समिति की स्थापना
किसने की।
- दादा भाई नौरोजी
34. जलियांवाला
बाग हत्याकांड में
जनरल डायर का
सहयोग करने वाले
का नाम बताओ।
- हंसराज
35. मेवाड़
में भील आंदोलन
का नेतृत्व किसने
- मोतीलाल तेजावत
36. साइमन कमीशन को और
किस नाम से
जाना जाता है।
- वाइट मैन कमीशन
37. प्रथम गोलमेज सम्मेलन कब
- 17 नवम्बर
1930 ई
3. Who launches National Mission on Libraries ?
Answer: Pranab Mukherjee
4. Who won the DSC prize 2014 ?
Answer: Cyrus Mistry
5. 38th circus festival was celebrated at ?
answer: Monte-Carlo
6. Who is the new CEO of Microsoft ?
answer: Satya Nadella
7. Who is the new chairman of Microsoft ?
answer: John Thompson
8. Who is the German president, recently visited India ?
answer: Joachim Gauck
9. Who become the first women umpire in ICC Panel ?
answer: Kathy Cross
10. Who is the chief guest of republic day parade 2014 of India ?
answer: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
11. Which is the fastest supercomputer in the world ?
answer: Tiahne-2
12. Which is the first Indian state to achieve over 100% sanitation ?
answer: Sikkim
13. Where is The third World Congress on Agro-forestry 2014 held?
Answer: Delhi
14. which country joined Euro zone as its 18th member ?
Answer: Latvia joined as 18th member
15. Which high court banned the transfer of IAS, IPS and IFS officers till the re-composition of the Civil Services Board?
Answer: Allahabad high court
*16. south sudan president name?
Answer : Salva Kiir Mayardit
*17. which space organisation has launched carbon observatory-2 ?
Answer: NASA
*18 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated at which place ?
Answer: Head Post Office in Thyagaraya Nagar , chennai
*19 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated by ?
Answer: P. Chidambaram (Union Finance Minister)
*20 . Who won the women’s double Portugal Open title 2014 ?
Answer: Sania Mirza and Cara Black
*21. who won World Snooker Championship title 2014 ?
Answer: Mark Selby
22. where is the headquarters of o.p.c.w organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons ?
Answer: The Hague, Netherlands
23. Bocskai International Tournament is related to which game?
Answer: boxing
24. What is the birth place of Adolf Hitler
Answer: Austria
25. where is the headquarters of WWF International ?
Answer: Gland, Switzerland
26. what is the national game of Spain?
Answer: bull fighting .
28. India’s NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY DAY----------- 11 May
*29 . What is the full form for ANMI?
Answer : Association of National Exchanges Members of India (ANMI)
*30 . head quarters of international maritime organisation?
Answer : London
*31. Who is the author of devdas?
Answer: Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
32. India's first tobacco free village ?
Answer: Nagaland's Gariphema
33. 2014 pulitzer prize winner ?
Answer: Donna Tart for novel goldfinch
34. What is the nationality of Donna Tart ?
Answer: United States
35. Newly appointed kerala Governor?
Answer : P. Sathasivam
36. first speaker of telungana ?
Answer: Sirikonda Madhusudhana Chary
37. 2014 hockey world cup host country ?
Answer: Netherlands
38. 2014 men's hockey worldcup champions ?
Answer: Australia
39. 2014 women's hockey worldcup champions ?
Answer: netherlands
40.2014 Rajiv Gandhi Sadhbavana award winner?
Answer: Muzaffar Ali
41. winner of world food prize 2014 ?
Answer: Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram from India
42. Who was selected as “sportsman of the year 2014” ?
Answer: Sebastian Vettel
43.Next Secretary General of Interpol ?
Answer: Juergen Stock of Germany (from 2015)
44. Present Secretary General of Interpol ?
Answer: Ronald L Noble
45. Who is the chairman of 7th pay commission ?
answer: Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur
46. Where is the venue of 101st Indian science congress ?
answer: Jammu
47. Who launches National Mission on Libraries ?
Answer: Pranab Mukherjee
48. Who won the DSC prize 2014 ?
Answer: Cyrus Mistry
49. 38th circus festival was celebrated at ?
answer: Monte-Carlo
50. Who is the new CEO of Microsoft ?
answer: Satya Nadella
51. Who is the new chairman of Microsoft ?
answer: John Thompson
52. Who is the German president, recently visited India ?
answer: Joachim Gauck
53. Who become the first women umpire in ICC Panel ?
answer: Kathy Cross
54.. Who is the chief guest of republic day parade 2014 of India ?
answer: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
55. Which is the fastest supercomputer in the world ?
answer: Tiahne-2
56. Which is the first Indian state to achieve over 100% sanitation ?
answer: Sikkim
57. Where is The third World Congress on Agro-forestry 2014 held?
Answer: Delhi
58. which country joined Euro zone as its 18th member ?
Answer: Latvia joined as 18th member
59. Which high court banned the transfer of IAS, IPS and IFS officers till the re-composition of the Civil Services Board?
Answer: Allahabad high court
*60. south sudan president name?
Answer : Salva Kiir Mayardit
*61. which space organisation has launched carbon observatory-2 ?
Answer: NASA
*62 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated at which place ?
Answer: Head Post Office in Thyagaraya Nagar , chennai
*63 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated by ?
Answer: P. Chidambaram (Union Finance Minister)
*64 . Who won the women’s double Portugal Open title 2014 ?
Answer: Sania Mirza and Cara Black
*65. who won World Snooker Championship title 2014 ?
Answer: Mark Selby
answer: Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur
46. Where is the venue of 101st Indian science congress ?
answer: Jammu
47. Who launches National Mission on Libraries ?
Answer: Pranab Mukherjee
48. Who won the DSC prize 2014 ?
Answer: Cyrus Mistry
49. 38th circus festival was celebrated at ?
answer: Monte-Carlo
50. Who is the new CEO of Microsoft ?
answer: Satya Nadella
51. Who is the new chairman of Microsoft ?
answer: John Thompson
52. Who is the German president, recently visited India ?
answer: Joachim Gauck
53. Who become the first women umpire in ICC Panel ?
answer: Kathy Cross
54.. Who is the chief guest of republic day parade 2014 of India ?
answer: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
55. Which is the fastest supercomputer in the world ?
answer: Tiahne-2
56. Which is the first Indian state to achieve over 100% sanitation ?
answer: Sikkim
57. Where is The third World Congress on Agro-forestry 2014 held?
Answer: Delhi
58. which country joined Euro zone as its 18th member ?
Answer: Latvia joined as 18th member
59. Which high court banned the transfer of IAS, IPS and IFS officers till the re-composition of the Civil Services Board?
Answer: Allahabad high court
*60. south sudan president name?
Answer : Salva Kiir Mayardit
*61. which space organisation has launched carbon observatory-2 ?
Answer: NASA
*62 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated at which place ?
Answer: Head Post Office in Thyagaraya Nagar , chennai
*63 . India's 1st post office savings bank ATM inaugurated by ?
Answer: P. Chidambaram (Union Finance Minister)
*64 . Who won the women’s double Portugal Open title 2014 ?
Answer: Sania Mirza and Cara Black
*65. who won World Snooker Championship title 2014 ?
Answer: Mark Selby
66.. Which crop is sown on the largest area in India?
Answer. Rice
67.The value of Gold is determined in
answer . London
68. The state which has the largest number of sugar mills in India is
answer. Uttar Pradesh
69.First University in India was founded at
answer . Calcutta
.70. Tajmahal is on the banks of
answer. Jamuna
71. The currency notes are printed in
answer. Nasik
72.Which is the Land of the Rising Sun?
Answer. Japan
73.The largest ocean in the world is
answer. The Pacific Ocean
74.Kalahari Desert is in
answer. South Africa
75.Mica is available abundantly in
Answer. Bihar
76. Second World war began in
answer .1938
77. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court can hold office until the age of
answer. 65
78.The largest gland in the human body is
Answer. Liver
79.The chemical name of common salt is
answer. Sodium Chloride
80.In the Parliamentary system of India, the Executive is subordinate to
answer. The Legislature
1. The year in which the Dada Saheb Phalke award was instituted?
Answer: 1969, The Award is given for lifelong contribution to Indian Cinema. The first winner of Dada Saheb Phalke Award was Devika Rani Chaudhuri Roerich (1969).
2. Who was the youngest elected President of India?
Answer: Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
3. Who said, ‘‘Liberty is my birthright’’?
Answer: Bal Gangadhar Tilak
4. The constitution of India was adopted on:
Answer: November 26, 1949. Our Constitution came into existence on January 26, 1950.
5. Rourkela steel plant is in:
Answer: Orissa.
6. The headquaters of UNICEF is in:
Answer: New York
1. The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha is appointed by:
Answer. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
2. The Author of ‘Snakes and Ladders’ is:
Answer. Gita Mehta
3. The first Indian satellite ‘Aryabhata’ was launched in the year:
Answer. 1975
4. The first World Cup Football tournament was held in:
Answer. Uruguay
5. The rear view mirror used in vehicles is:
Answer. Convex
6. Which country is known as ‘Land of Thousand Lakes’?
Answer. Finland
7. The free operating system Linux was developed by:
Answer. Linus Torwalds
8. New York City is on the bank of the river.
Answer. Hudson
9. How many vertebrae are there in a giraffe’s neck?
Answer. 7
10. Who is the founder of the Khilji dynasty?
Answer. Jalaludheen Khilji
11. When did television transmission begin in India?
Answer. 1959
12. The first battle of Panipat was in:
Answer. 1526
13. India Gate was earlier known as:
Answer. All India War Memorial
14. Vitamin B2 is also known as:
Answer. Riboflavin
15. The capital of Nigeria is:
Answer. Abuja
16. Mesopotamia is now known as:
Answer. Iraqmeasure:
1. The oldest of the Vedic literature is:
Answer: Rig Veda
2. The title ‘Vikramaditya’ was adopted by:
Answer: Chandra Gupta II
3. The first ruler of India who separated religion from politics was:
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
4. “Economic History of India” was written by:
Answer: R.C. Dutt
5. Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Muhammad Ghori at which battle?
Answer: Second battle of Tarain
6. National Science Day in India is observed on?
Answer: 28th February
7. The southernmost point of the Indian Territory is in:
Answer: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
8. The smallest ocean in the world is:
Answer: Arctic Ocean
9. Asia and Europe are divided by:
Answer: Ural mountains
10. Continental Drift Theory was evolved by:
Answer: Alfred Wegener
11. Ultra sound scanning was invented by:
Answer: I. Donald
12. Pedology is the study of:
Answer: The soil
13. Land gets heated through the process of:
Answer: Convection
14. Which type of rocks could be formed by deposits of animal shells and skeletons?
Answer: Limestone
15. ‘Light Year’ is used as a unit to measure:
Answer: Distance
Name of Some Air-ports in India
.............................. ...............
1. Kolkata - Netaji Subhash
Bose International Airport
2. New Delhi - Indira Gandhi
International Airport
3. Mumbai - Chhatrapati Shivaji
International Airport
4. Chennai- Chennai International
Airport (Meenambakkam Airport)
5. Hyderabad - Rajiv Gandhi
International Airport
6. Amritsar - Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee
International Airport/Raja Sansi
7. Guwahati - Lokpriya Gopinath
Bordoloi International Airport
8. Ahmedabad - Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel International Airport
9. Bhopal - Raja Bhoj Airport
10. Indore - Devi Ahilyabai Holkar
11. Nagpur - Dr. Babasaheb
International Airport
12. Lucknow - Chaudhary Charan
International Airport/Amausi
13. Varansi - Lal Bahadur Shastri
International Airport
14. Patna- Lok Nayak Jayaprakash
15. Raipur- Swami Vivekananda
16. Ranchi- Birsa Munda Airport
17. Bhubaneswar- Biju Patnaik
18. Chandigarh- Shaheed Bhagat
International Airport
19. Port Blair- Veer Savarkar
International Airport
20. Vasco Da Gama in Goa- Dabolim
International Airport
नदियों के किनारों पर बसे
विश्व के प्रमुख
(((( नगर 👉 नदी))))
🍭 मास्को 👉 मोस्कवा नदी
🍭 कोलम्बो 👉 केलानी नदी
🍭 बगदाद 👉 टिगरिस नदी
🍭नई दिल्ली 👉 यमुनानदी
🍭बेलग्रेड 👉 डेन्यूब नदी
🍭आगरा 👉 यमुनानदी
🍭 बर्लिन 👉 स्ट्री नदी
🍭 हरिद्वार 👉 गंगा नदी
🍭 बुडापेस्ट 👉 डेन्यूब नदी
🍭 कानपुर 👉 गंगानदी
🍭 काहिरा 👉 नील नदी
🍭 नासिक 👉 गोदावरी नदी
🍭 करांची 👉 सिन्धु नदी
🍭 उज्जैन 👉 क्षिप्रा नदी
🍭 लन्दन 👉 टेम्स नदी
🍭 श्रीनगर 👉 झेलमनदी
🍭 लाहौर 👉 रावी नदी
🍭 इलाहाबाद 👉 गंगा-यमुना
🍭 न्यूयार्क 👉 हडसन नदी
🍭 अहमदाबाद 👉 साबरमती
🍭 पेरिस 👉 सीन नदी
🍭 कोलकात्ता 👉 हुगली
🍭 रोम 👉 टाईबर नदी
🍭 गुवाहाटी 👉 ब्रह्मपुत्र
🍭 शंघाई 👉 यांगटिसिक्यांग
🍭 जबलपुर 👉 नर्मदा
🍭टोकियो 👉 सुमीदा नदी
🍭 सूरत 👉 ताप्ती
🍭 विएना 👉 डेन्यूब नदी
🍭 हैदराबाद 👉 मूसी
🍭 वारसा 👉 विस्तुला नदी
🍭 लखनऊ 👉 गोमती
🍭 वाशिंगटन 👉 पोटोमेक नदी
Answer: Rig Veda
2. The title ‘Vikramaditya’ was adopted by:
Answer: Chandra Gupta II
3. The first ruler of India who separated religion from politics was:
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
4. “Economic History of India” was written by:
Answer: R.C. Dutt
5. Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Muhammad Ghori at which battle?
Answer: Second battle of Tarain
6. National Science Day in India is observed on?
Answer: 28th February
7. The southernmost point of the Indian Territory is in:
Answer: Andaman and Nicobar Islands
8. The smallest ocean in the world is:
Answer: Arctic Ocean
9. Asia and Europe are divided by:
Answer: Ural mountains
10. Continental Drift Theory was evolved by:
Answer: Alfred Wegener
11. Ultra sound scanning was invented by:
Answer: I. Donald
12. Pedology is the study of:
Answer: The soil
13. Land gets heated through the process of:
Answer: Convection
14. Which type of rocks could be formed by deposits of animal shells and skeletons?
Answer: Limestone
15. ‘Light Year’ is used as a unit to measure:
Answer: Distance
Name of Some Air-ports in India
1. Kolkata - Netaji Subhash
Bose International Airport
2. New Delhi - Indira Gandhi
International Airport
3. Mumbai - Chhatrapati Shivaji
International Airport
4. Chennai- Chennai International
Airport (Meenambakkam Airport)
5. Hyderabad - Rajiv Gandhi
International Airport
6. Amritsar - Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee
International Airport/Raja Sansi
7. Guwahati - Lokpriya Gopinath
Bordoloi International Airport
8. Ahmedabad - Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel International Airport
9. Bhopal - Raja Bhoj Airport
10. Indore - Devi Ahilyabai Holkar
11. Nagpur - Dr. Babasaheb
International Airport
12. Lucknow - Chaudhary Charan
International Airport/Amausi
13. Varansi - Lal Bahadur Shastri
International Airport
14. Patna- Lok Nayak Jayaprakash
15. Raipur- Swami Vivekananda
16. Ranchi- Birsa Munda Airport
17. Bhubaneswar- Biju Patnaik
18. Chandigarh- Shaheed Bhagat
International Airport
19. Port Blair- Veer Savarkar
International Airport
20. Vasco Da Gama in Goa- Dabolim
International Airport
नदियों के किनारों पर बसे
विश्व के प्रमुख
(((( नगर 👉 नदी))))
🍭 मास्को 👉 मोस्कवा नदी
🍭 कोलम्बो 👉 केलानी नदी
🍭 बगदाद 👉 टिगरिस नदी
🍭नई दिल्ली 👉 यमुनानदी
🍭बेलग्रेड 👉 डेन्यूब नदी
🍭आगरा 👉 यमुनानदी
🍭 बर्लिन 👉 स्ट्री नदी
🍭 हरिद्वार 👉 गंगा नदी
🍭 बुडापेस्ट 👉 डेन्यूब नदी
🍭 कानपुर 👉 गंगानदी
🍭 काहिरा 👉 नील नदी
🍭 नासिक 👉 गोदावरी नदी
🍭 करांची 👉 सिन्धु नदी
🍭 उज्जैन 👉 क्षिप्रा नदी
🍭 लन्दन 👉 टेम्स नदी
🍭 श्रीनगर 👉 झेलमनदी
🍭 लाहौर 👉 रावी नदी
🍭 इलाहाबाद 👉 गंगा-यमुना
🍭 न्यूयार्क 👉 हडसन नदी
🍭 अहमदाबाद 👉 साबरमती
🍭 पेरिस 👉 सीन नदी
🍭 कोलकात्ता 👉 हुगली
🍭 रोम 👉 टाईबर नदी
🍭 गुवाहाटी 👉 ब्रह्मपुत्र
🍭 शंघाई 👉 यांगटिसिक्यांग
🍭 जबलपुर 👉 नर्मदा
🍭टोकियो 👉 सुमीदा नदी
🍭 सूरत 👉 ताप्ती
🍭 विएना 👉 डेन्यूब नदी
🍭 हैदराबाद 👉 मूसी
🍭 वारसा 👉 विस्तुला नदी
🍭 लखनऊ 👉 गोमती
🍭 वाशिंगटन 👉 पोटोमेक नदी